Wheel Woolie 3 Piece Kit
Wheel Woolies are the safest and most effective way to clean automobile wheels available today. Most wheel brushes do an great job at cleaning the outside surfaces of the wheel but do not allow the detailer to get into the small crannies and crevices where the brake dust settles. Twisted wire spoke brushes will reach in but they could possibly scratch the wheel if used carelessly and they splatter you with wheel cleaning soaps and water.
Detail King’s Wheel Woolie brushes have many advantages over most wheel brushes on the market. There is no metal in these brushes. The super soft, dense carpet fibers hold suds to transfer them to the wheel. The brushes are made entirely of polypropylene and will stand up to any soap or cleaner that you use. Because the bristles are 100% polypropylene, they are recyclable and can be sent to recycle container when they have out lived their usefulness.
These are must-have brushes to keep new wheels looking new year round. Wheel Woolies work with any wheel size opening. They’re great for deep wheel drums, inner fenders, and car and pick-up truck grills also.Keep your brushes clean with our Clean All cleaning solution!
- Large Wheel Woolie is 18 inch long, and has a 4” inch diameter head, red grip handle. Use this long handled Wheel Woolie to reach deep into the wheels or clean the wheel wells of any vehicle.
- Medium Wheel Woolie is 12 inches with a 1 ½ inch diameter head, red grip handle. This one is ideal for smaller wheel openings, air diffusers, door jams, engine compartment areas, etc.
- Small Wheel Woolie is 8 inch long and 1 inch in diameter. This one is ideal for small gaps, like grills, and narrow slot wheels.
We offer Free or Flat Rate Shipping on MOST items on our website with a few exclusions. Free Shipping kicks in at a minimum order of $115 (for qualifying items), and for orders under $115, a flat rate of $11.95 will apply. Items that are classified as “oversized” by the shipping company do not qualify for free shipping, and anything that must ship via Freight Truck will also not qualify for free shipping. These items include but are not limited to: Carpet Extractors, Water Containment Mats & Reclamation Systems, Pressure Washers, Water Tanks, and The Claw LED Light.
Brushes don’t really require much maintenance and simply rinsing and then allowing them to dry is best practice after you are done using them. This will prolong the life of the brush and also eliminate transferring dirt from one vehicle to the next. Keeping brushes in water for extended periods of time should be avoided as this will shorten the lifespan of the brush.
Professional brushes like the ones we carry are meant to withstand several uses and will far outlast the brushes from the auto parts store of other big box stores. Brushes at big box store or auto parts store are generally meant for the average car enthusiast to clean their vehicle with a few times a month and will be consumer grade product. Brushes that we carry are going to be designed for detailers to use on several cars per day for many months or even years depending on the brush and how they are cared for. Professional brushes will cost more up front compared to consumer brushes, but in the long run they will be much more cost efficient for a business. The quality of the brush will also differ and consumer grade brushes won’t typically have as robust of a line-up to use on more delicate or specialized surfaces.
Brushes are a lot like towels when it comes to usage and replacement. They should be cleaned after each use (just a simple rinse and let dry) and the more aggressive you are with them, and the more aggressive the chemicals are that you are using them with, the quicker they will need replaced. Brushes used with degreasers and acids for wheels and engines will need replaced more frequently than brushes used with carwash soap on the body of the vehicle. Brushes that are not rinsed and left in a bucket of water/chemical/dirt all day will need replaced more frequently than brushes that are rinsed and dried properly. Of course the quality of the brush matters as well but whether they are consumer or professional grade, the cleaning and rinsing after each use will prolong the life of the brush!
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Best Answer: These Wheel Woolies are made in Medford, OR. All materials are sourced in the Unites States, all made in the United States!
Best Answer: I have only washed mine with the water hose after using them
Best Answer: The wheel woolies will last for several vehicles. The exact number varies depending on the condition of the wheel they are being used on.
How about for daily driver vehicles with somewhat dirty wheels? When you say “several” do you mean 10 vehicles or 50?
If you're using this for personal use and wash your car weekly you are going to get at least a year from the brushes. If they are sitting in dirty water they will break down quicker however, if you properly maintain them and clean them regularly they will last longer. I can't provide an exact number of uses but it is closer to 50 than it is 10.
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to clean 2022 Mach 1 HP rims. Very close spacing on spokes
to clean 2022 Mach 1 HP rims. Very close spacing on spokes
It is hard to find brushes for specific areas of vehicles,looks like these will work good for wheels and grills
I wanted the best I could get.
Purchased new polished aluminum rims for my Hummer H3t Alpha. After quite a few hours of research I learned these were the best and safest tools for cleaning